
Donations Welcome!

Donate to Choral Arts Cleveland as an Individual

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Choral Arts relies on grants, membership dues, and donors like YOU. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation at one of the levels below. Your donation will be gratefully acknowledged in our printed program and on our website.

  • Friend ($25-99)
  • Supporter ($100-249)
  • Sustainer ($250-499)
  • Benefactor ($500+)

If you prefer, please send checks to
Choral Arts Cleveland, PO Box 43011, Cleveland, Ohio 44143

Celebrating Fifty Years!

Founded in 1974, Choral Arts Cleveland is celebrating 50 years of making music together this season. Please join us in supporting this community choir and cultural gem of Cleveland.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Program Booklet Advertisements
Reach up to 1,000 local customers with your advertisement throughout the Choral Arts 2024-2025 season. Advertisements are printed in our program booklets, and your business will be featured and linked on our website and social media posts.

  • 1/8 page–$60 (3.25 x 2 in.)
  • 1/4 page–$100 (6.5 x 2 in or 3.24 x 4 in.)
  • 1/2 page–$125 (6.5 x 4 in.)
  • Full page–$200 (6.5 x 8 in.)
  • Inside front cover—$300 (6.5 x 4 in.)
  • Inside back cover—$250 (6.5 x 4 in.)
  • Outside back cover–$250 (6.5 x 4 in.)

Sponsorship Opportunities for Individuals and Businesses
New this year! Support Choral Arts Cleveland by sponsoring an integral part of our music-making this season.

  • Support a composer. Choral Arts Cleveland will perform original works by local composer Mickey McGroarty for its March concert. Support the creativity of this artist for $2,000. Includes a full page program ad and mention on website and social media.
  • Sponsor an instrumental ensemble. Whether it’s Opus216, period instrumentalists, or instrumental soloists, Choral Arts concerts are greatly enriched by the professional instrumental musicians we engage. Sponsor an instrumental ensemble for a concert for $1,500. Half page program ad and mention on website and social media included.
  • Support our talented accompanist. Choral Arts couldn’t do what it does without fabulous pianist, Adam, and the support he provides at rehearsals and concerts. Sponsor our accompanist for a concert for $1,000. Half page program ad and mention on website and social media included.
  • Sponsor a soloist. Choral Arts engages highly skilled professional soloists to perform at concerts. Sponsor a soloist for a concert for $500. Includes quarter page program ad and mention on website and social media.
  • Support a singer. Part of Choral Arts’ mission is to welcome singers of all types and income levels. No singer will ever be turned away due to financial constraints. Support a singer’s scholarship for $250 for the season. Quarter page ad and mention on website and social media included.

Other Ways to Support Choral Arts Cleveland
Email with any questions and to express your interest in supporting Choral Arts Cleveland.